Snow Fort
One of the amazing qualities that most children seem to possess is the inability to get cold on frigid, snowy winter days. Maybe they’re having too much fun to notice the cold, but it’s only when fingers and toes are numb that kids think about retreating indoors to huddle around the fireplace with hot cocoa in hand.
When I was a kid, I recall my older sister and her friends creating elaborate snow shelters in the yard and how much fun it was to pretend we were stranded in an arctic hideaway with only our creativity to get us through the “harrowing” experience. As a little kid, though, I wished I could create my own snow shelter, but I lacked the ability, and older siblings aren’t always willing to let little ones take part in the action.
It was only recently that these memories came flooding back to me. My own young child asked if we could build a snow shelter this winter, and I had to stop and think whether or not we could. As I grew to be an older kid, I gradually learned the finer points of snow shelter construction, but the key element in the process is snow. What if we don’t have enough snowfall this year to produce the kind of colossal shelter that exists in my child’s imagination?
When snow is at a minimum, or if time is not available to build a full-scale shelter out of snow, the solution can be found in the cleverly designed inflatable Snow Fort. The snow fort, which is made from heavy-duty PVC, resembles an igloo and provides a cozy hide out on cold winter days. Whether there is snow on the ground or not, kids will always be able to enjoy their own private shelter thanks to the inflatable snow fort. Fun outdoor times don’t have to be limited by the amount of snow on the ground or by the willingness of older siblings to include younger ones in their big-kid adventures.