Rain, Rain Go Away!

I am not exaggerating when I say it has been raining here in Tennessee for the past week, non stop. I have begun to wonder why I keep seeing pairs of everything as I gaze out into my front yard – two dogs, a pair of robins, two squirrels chasing each other up my pin oak tree??

Now it is Monday morning and I am going to have to blame the weather for my tiredness…what else could it be? I slept all weekend BECAUSE of the rain!  One thing I did muster up the energy to do is go to the garden nursery store to get a myriad of lawn products that I am going to need once the rain finally stops. I have so much to do in my yard and I know many of you feel the same way.

One product I was looking at was a wheelbarrow. I didn’t realize how pricey those things can be! I passed on getting one primarily because I don’t have anywhere to store it and the new shoes I saw last week seemed like more of a necessity! Priorities, please! Anyway, today I when I got to the office I saw a new product we have just added to our expansive product portfolio. Check this out – I did and I just love it!  It is the Folding Wheelbarrow – awesome, sturdy, compact, inexpensive, and it won’t rust since you can fold it up and easily put it away.

Now, if it will just stop raining so I can use it.  Rain, Rain Go Away!


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